At the beginning of the year, I started serving as pastor at a small Baptist church. Wanting to involve the children more in the worship service, I decided to start having a "children's time" during the early part of the service. I was going to be teaching verse-by-verse through the epistle to the Galatians, so I wanted the "children's time" to relate to some aspect of the passage each week, and I wanted to use as many hands-on or real-world teaching tools as possible to communicate the biblical truth. As my wife and I started searching the internet for ideas from week to week, we quickly realized that there really is not much available apart from the typical narrative "Sunday school stories" and holiday motifs. So, we decided to launch this blog as a way of sharing what we've done from Sunday to Sunday, working through Galatians. Hopefully it will be helpful to you.
If you have comments or questions along the way, please feel free to share or ask.
~barry and april